Today, consumers and professionals, instead of spending time browsing for content on multiple channels use the search operators to gain rapid access to the information and services they need. Therefore, all managements of corporate content are at the top of business agenda in order to cope up with the explosion of content in all its forms.
Such anemergence has made today’s content management systems, greatly focus on bringing the most relevant data in a ‘click’ under a plethora of Infomediaries, mobile platforms, application, social-media and multi-brand stores. A Content Management System is a Web application which, by streamlining the web publishing process, enables easy content authoring, quick and efficient build, deploy, and maintain content-rich web sites.
SPB Corp’s content management systems helps your business operate more efficiently, make smarter decisions and become more competitive through a rapid access to the information and services you need. Our domain expertise helps us greatly; manage unstructured data by using well-defined processes for creating, managing, delivering and archiving information. We help our customers face challenges in managing voluminouselectronic documents, cut down paper trails, support and integrate different content types efficiently. We also give a special eye to some of the most important enterprise content foundation capabilities such as security, access control, workflow, and tailored content-type-specific offerings.
SPB Corp’s Content Management Services are focused in ensuring optimal performance and help you enhance ECM investment. Whether you are deploying your first application or running a large system in production, our ECM services span the gamut of managing enterprise documents & records, web content, digital management, etc. Our services are thoroughly tailored to help our clients meet business continuity, process integration and compliance requirements.
Without an in-house technical expert, it often becomes tedious and cumbersome to maintain a website for most businesses. Be it a highly interactive custom-built CMS for a brand website; a simple and user-friendly CMS for self-managed portal; or an enterprise wide content management system, the easiest and the most effective solution is a well developed CMS site that can systematize your website update process.
Enterprises need active features that enable content authoring, editing and approval workflows easy and efficient. SPB Corp, through its ECM servicescreates enterprise grade web content management solutions and deploys them as large scale platforms for a wide range of industries. We ensure that businesses can deliver formally curated content with all checks and balances in place in addition to, facilitating content aggregation, collaboration and syndication. Our solutions also integrate version control, which helps editors easily revert to any previously saved versions.