Nowadays, Information Assets creates large volumes of unstructured dataevery day by machines as well as billions of people,much of it coming from new sources including financial and retail transactions, web logs, RFID, sensor networks, social media, call detail records, ecommerce, medical records and more. However, traditional Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) and Business Intelligence (BI) tools aren’t equipped to deal with this burgeoning volume of data every day for enterprises wanting to harness it for business value. Companies are now capturing trillions of bytes of informationto process, analyze and archive bundles of data in a civilized manner to improve business operations, make faster and smarter decisions.Whether data is local, in the cloud or both, to unlock the value hidden in their data companies must start treating data as a supply chain, to rapidly provide insights on operations, customers and productsto capture, store, correlate, analyse, search, visualize, and share data in ways your organization demands.
BigData holds a significant place in the dictionary of SPB Corp to help organizations determine the value of big data to their bottom line. Our advanced Big Data and Analytics solutions, including Big Data Platform as a Service, support predictive analytics, real-time dashboards and master data managementthat can help organizations capitalize on the transformational potential of Big Data and derive actionable insights from their data. We handle BigData of varied volume, velocity, variety and complexityas companies look to start leveraging the transformational power of data to anticipate market demands, predict business outcomes before opportunities are missed and respond to events in real time.By the term BigData we not only focus upon the handling of simple data, but involve heavy volumes of log files, social media, data extracted from operational systems, sensors and every kind of data archive irrespective of the source it exhibitsCreating a seamless customer experience in a digital world is a primary challenge that several organizations across the globe are grappling with.
As your trusted partner, SPB Corp with its proven expertise in mature technologies and thought leadership, work to help you bring order to your Big Data with new open source tools like Hadoop, Hive and Pig, which are all aimed at storing and analyzing big data along with an army of proprietary tools, also designed for the same functions.Whatever your Big Data challenges are, we'll provide you the strategic guidance you need to succeed with our rich technical competencies to define a Big Data tactic for your organization, integrate Big Data into your overall IT roadmap, architect and implement a solution and empower your business.
The wide range of data tools enables the data scientist to manipulate, analyze, and transform the massive volumes of BigData over a short period of time. The manipulation of data requires different scripting languages to filter, evaluate and group data under a single umbrella of HDFS. The timely prepared language scriptsare easily shared across other qualified teams of programmers, and give a complete access for further ramifications as well as manipulations.
Emarkay Systems Inc. solutions for BigData pave the two-way traffic of data processing i.e. loading as well as extraction of data. The biggest challenge faced by the data scientists and analysts was the underlying complexities of coding and transcription of data followed by unbreakable codes. We eradicate the technical barriers and need to learn the codes to make the necessary data available to a wide range of developers. We work with a desire to ease the life of our clients by allowing them to focus on data analysis not the technical coding. The implementation and adoption of BigData technology no longer requires a must PhD to un-code the access to big data technology.
Emarkay solutions give discreet value to the teams of programmers following the BigData implementation. A data scientist is tasked with the analysis of a complex business problem, and deriving the root cause to give a solution that leverages the available data. Thus, the data scientist and BigDatagoes hand in hand, whereas the BigData solutions given by us empowers the bonding between the two.
Our BigData service allow you to work in a graphical-friendly environment with an accessibility of drop, drag & configure Big Data projects in minutes, not weeks and not days. The decreased time span of data processing has enhanced the productivity of data analysis.
As the name implies, we help you to manage your data flow irrespective of its size. No matter your data house exhibits small data, big data or just data, the integration and coding the interface is tasked to expert data scientists with a transcription performed in few hours.
At SPB Corp, our passion is to help our customers analyze their business-critical data and make wise decisions for better business outcomes by providing client-specific custom Big Data Serviceswhich can benefit re-imagine their business. Partnering for your Big Data services brings you advantages as given below,
Come join hands with us and get benefitted through our Big Data Consulting Services for enterprise-specific real-time data analytics, data management, and reporting with experience working across industries (Public Sector, Media, Hi-Tech, Life Science, and BFSI).